Sohbet Society
Sohbet is a Turkish word and means ‘to talk, converse, discuss and engage with one another in a friendly, caring, warm and informal manner’.

Sohbet Society is ,
a member of VOICES
a consortium of
Hizmet organisations in the UK.

Through Sohbet Society, we provide opportunity for religious learning and spiritual growth and development for Muslims in Britain. We achieve this through a series of activities including study groups, mentoring, outreach, retreats, excursions and social action.
Religious and spiritual learning is achieved through semi-structured study groups as well as practical experiences such as social action and retreats
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December 25, 2024
September 30, 2024
January 10, 2024
Twitter feed is not available at the moment.
There are a number of dynamics
that explain how we work:
that explain how we work:
How did it start?
How is it funded?
How is it staffed?
How is it run?